Update on exhibition work

Just a little update on my present work for exhibition- on the theme of Deconstruct Reconstruct for which I am looking at urban development for inspiration. At present I am building models inspired by city skylines and building blocks, working with layers of wood to construct and having variety in the height of the blocks to reflect the idea of how buildings are built up and knocked down in a continuous circle of development and CONSTRUCTION. I have also gotten perspex tiles cut, which I use within my jewellery pieces to create a tile cloth piece which I am very excited about as it lends itself to a variety of presentation methods. Once I get a few tiles linked up I will post some photos. As a lot of my approach to the theme is in how I am presenting my textile pieces (in quite a sculptural form for some pieces) at present I am doing a lot of planning and development problem solving. I have been working on a textile piece based on road markings and layout, which has also given me ideas into an interactive piece. I will think out all the kinks first. I am also thinking of creating some jewellery pieces for the exhibition based on the theme.

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